It expressed itself in different C Level Executive List forms: the "Holy Equality" of the sans-culottes, the «democratic and social republic» of the years 1848-1871 and, simply, the «social» of the labor movement. It was this articulation of C Level Executive List criticism and a necessary and possible horizon of rupture that made it possible for indignation, even the explosive one, to avoid drifting into resentment. And to it we owe the ability to model the dominant C Level Executive List capitalist system that, from the 1930s to the 1980s, imposed the regulatory adjustments of the so-called Welfare State.
This long historical sequence is closed, at C Level Executive List least in its coherence. The phase of relative unification around the referent «worker» has given way to an inverse phenomenon of fragmentation of the dominated groups. As the Manifesto of the Communist Party announced 1848, capitalism has become universal; but its C Level Executive List was not simplified by going global. If the polarity produced by the unequal distribution of resources continues to be the rule, it crosses all territories, all societies and all the groups that compose them. So today there is no north and south, center and periphery, people and elite. The social, C Level Executive List bourgeois, or popular "bloc" is a myth. Orphaned social movements of politics For its part, social hope was shaken by the tragic upheavals of the twentieth century.
Political communism has suffered from C Level Executive List the stagnation of a Soviet model, voluntarist and statist, which for too long constituted an important basis of identification. The dissidents of the communist movement, locked in the illusory memories of Russian Bolshevism, have never been able to get out of the C Level Executive List margins. The third world, trapped in the nets of neocolonialism and its substitutes, has not produced an alternative emancipatory model. As for European socialism, which for a long time drew strength C Level Executive List from the Welfare State, it failed to relaunch itself sustainably after the collapse of the post-1945 balance of power.